Sahaya Vietnam Housing Program

(Watch the video above for a time-lapse of how a home is built)

Update: We have built almost 200 homes!

Many thanks to everyone who contributed and made this possible.

This program is done in close collaboration with the Chua Buu Son Monastery. We provide shelter and basic necessities to the impoverished rural communities of Kien Giang, Vietnam.  To learn more about the background of this area, click here.

Activities & Process:

Applicants are chosen in priority of needs according to their health, family size, financial difficulties, and their urgency to have adequate shelter.

  • The applicant fills out the application. They must have it approved and stamped by the local counselor in their town.
  • The application is accepted by the monastery, and the nuns interview the local neighbors of the family and then interviews the family.
  • After the family application is reviewed by the monastery committee, the family will be on a waiting list for a home.
  • When Sahaya International has raised the funds – thanks to generous donors  – the construction can start.
  • In addition to the homes, we also provide basic supplies (beds, bedding, cooking supplies, large jugs of clean drinking water, rice, oil)
  • The house and supplies are given to the family. The monastery films the family in their new homes. Pictures and a  DVD are then sent to the donor.


Do you like to help provide another needy family with a house?  Please consider donating towards a house unit.

A house costs $2,000.

Beds, cooking and other essential supplies cost $200.

Thus, the total per unit is only $2,200.

Thank you in advance for your generosity

For questions about the Sahaya Vietnam program, contact Sahaya director Chung at:
Phone (USA): 1-(408) 966-0395

(click on each picture below to see a larger version)

To see the impact of the program for one of the families, watch the video below (please press the “cc” button to see subtitles).