Your donation makes a difference

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Sahaya International is a USA registered 501(c)3 organization (based in Davis, California).
Contributions to Sahaya International are tax-deductible in the USA according to standard IRS rules. Our tax ID number is 68-0434770.
As we are 100% volunteer based,  the maximum of your contribution directly supports the programs.
If you have any questions about donating, don’t hesitate to contact us.


You can donate to support our programs in multiple ways: online (credit card, Paypal, Venmo), by check, cryptocurrency, planned giving (bequest), and through donating a used vehicle. Scroll below to learn more about the various options. Also scroll below on ways to donate if you are outside of the USA. 

  • ONLINE DONATION: You can donate with your credit card,  Paypal, or Venmo via the GiveButter platform. Click on the button below to go to the donation form in a new page. This donation page is secure. On the form, please indicate in the “add a message” section if you want your contribution to go to a specific program.  Otherwise we will assign your general donation where the need is the highest at that moment. Note that the Givebutter form by default asks you to leave a tip for the Givebutter platform, but you can change the % of tip (and even make it zero).  Sahaya does not receive the tip you leave, so this decision is totally up to you.

  • Donation via checks:
    100% of donations made via checks is sent overseas to directly support the programs.
    Please make your check payable to “Sahaya International”.
    Because Sahaya has a number of programs in different countries, please indicate if your contribution is meant for a specific program.
    Please also provide your email address so we can e-mail you a tax receipt. If you prefer a hardcopy tax receipt to be mailed to you, just let us know.

Mail your check to:
Sahaya International, Inc.
c/o Koen Van Rompay
1504 Portola Street
Davis, CA 95616

  •  Donation via Paypal:  Please note that Paypal payments are associated with service charges (approx. 2.5 to 3% of your contribution). On the Paypal page, please indicate for which program your contribution is meant.

    You can also send a Paypal eCheck. The service charge that Paypal deducts for such e-check is $5, regardless of the amount, and you can pay directly from your regular bank account (so you don’t need a credit card). So if you plan to donate a considerable amount, this $5 fee may be lower than the % mentioned above. Click here to lean more about e-checks..

  • Planned giving/Bequest: if you are interested to support our programs, one way is via a planned gift/bequest. Click here to learn more about this.
  • NEW: STOCK donations. We partner with that will accept your stocks, provide you with a tax receipt and transfer the proceeds of the stock sale to us. Click the button below to get started if you plan to donate the stocks directly:

Donate Stock To Sahaya International, Inc.

If you plan to donate stocks via your investment firm, you can provide them with this link, as they can then decide which route is the easiest and they can select Sahaya International:

  • NEW: we can accept cryptocurrency. We are partnered with an organization that will convert your crypto donation to cash and transfer it to us. Please use either this button  below to get started:


We can now also process donations of vehicles via CARS. It is very easy, as they will make all arrangements for pickup. Tax receipts are provided.

Click HERE to get started.

If you  are outside of the USA, scroll below or click on the flag of your home to learn more.



Other EU

Contributions from Belgium to our programs
Als je vanuit Belgie onze projecten wil steunen

  • From 2009 onwards, our partner organization Sahaya is registered by the Belgian government as a nonprofit organization. You can make tax deductible donations for our programs in India. Click here.
  • Vanaf 2009 is onze partner-organizatie Sahaya door de Belgische overheid erkend als een vzw.  Giften voor onze projecten in India zijn fiscaal aftrekbaar! klik hier.


Contributions from the Netherlands to our programs.
Als je vanuit Nederland onze projecten wil steunen.


  • Vanaf 2009 is Sahaya International van de USA ( dus niet Sahaya door de Nederlandse fiscus erkend als een ANBI (algemeen nut beogende instelling), en zijn giften voor onze projecten in zowel India en Kenya daarom fiscaal aftrekbaar!
  • Gelieve rechtstreeks storten op de rekening van Koen Van Rompay (voor: “Sahaya International”), Hulgenrodestraat 123, 2160 Wommelgem, Belgie.
    Bank: Argenta-Belgie: IBAN Rekeningsnummer BE89 9799 5205 3385 ; BIC ARSPBE22.
  • Gelieve aan te duiden voor welk programma je bijdrage bedoeld is (bvb. weesprogramma India, school, Sahaya Deaf Kenya, enz).
  • Wij zorgen ervoor dat het op de juiste plaats terecht komt en de mensen direct helpt!
  • Sahaya International (USA) zal u dan een bewijsbrief van uw storting sturen.
  • Voor verdere vragen, contacteer Joan Schelpe en Klaas Soethout in Nederland (joanenklaas ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’ com)
  • Van harte dank voor uw steun!

Contributions from other countries in Europe (other than Belgium and the Netherlands)

  • Although we are very grateful for your support, please note that your contribution will not be tax-deductible.
  • Although you can send your contribution to either the USA or Belgian Sahaya organization, money transfers within the European community have become very easy and are generally free, o the most convenient way would be to deposit your contributions directly to the account of Sahaya, Bloemstraat 4, 2470 Retie, Belgium
    IBAN: : BE11 7350 5929 2448
  • ONLINE DONATIONS: You can donate with your credit card. Click on the form at the top of this page to get started, and please indicate for which program your contribution is meant
  • You can also contribute via PAYPAL. Please click the button below. On the Paypal page, please indicate for which program your contribution is meant.

Contributions from other countries not listed above.

  • Although we are very grateful for your support, please note that your contribution will not be tax-deductible.
  • Although you can send your contribution to either the USA or Belgian Sahaya organization, please consult with your bank about any service charges.
  • ONLINE DONATIONS: You can donate with your credit card. Click on the form at the top of this page to get started, and please indicate for which program your contribution is meant.
  • You can also contribute via PAYPAL. Please click the button below. On the Paypal page, please indicate for which program your contribution is meant.

  • If you like to send money directly to our beneficiary partner organizations in India and Kenya, then visit their respective websites for details.
  • For further questions, please contact us.