Talent Innovation Foundation (previously, called Rafiki program)-Kenya

Sahaya International is proud to partner with the Talent Innovation Foundation. This program was founded by Mark Omare, and is active in Ibencho, Kenya, founded by Mark Omare.

Note and short summary by founder, Mark Omare:

Mark Omare and his family

Everyone in the world deserves a second chance. Talent Innovation Foundation started 16 years ago as the Rafiki Home, in which I became a parent of 30 orphans who are now mature. Some of them are now in universities, others work in trade center. But as new orphans are joining, the number has increased 5-fold. Because of the increasing challenges to help all these children and youth, we initiated income-generating projects to help us sustain our programs in feeding them, educating them in different levels. Together, we are creating a positive impact in their lives, and we are building the next generation of community leaders. Will you join our efforts?

Currently, our most urgent needs are:

  1. Increase the water supply to the school and community to reach more than 4,000 families. The total estimate is USD 16,000 (cost of 25×11 ft water tank USD 11,000; cost of HPDE pipes to distribute the water to homes, USD 5,000).
  2. We want to start a public library with books, computers, tables and chairs, that all children and youth of the area (including of other schools) can access. The estimated cost is USD 7,000.
  3. Completion of training center (of which most of it has already been constructed): USD 3,000
  4. Tailoring training as income-generating program. We are in need of sewing machines and materials, of which the estimated cost is USD 3,000.
  5. Bread-making income generating activity (to feed the children, and sell bread to the community). Cost of oven and other kitchen materials: USD 2,000.
  6. Welding machine and materials:  USD 5,000.

All these projects are helping the orphans to go to school and lead a normal and happy life. Imagine a child without a parent, and with little hope. You can help give that child hope by supporting our projects. Any donation makes a difference. You are welcome to visit our programs. Many thanks in advance for your support.

Mark G. Omare
Founder and CEO
Talent Innovation Foundation

 Rafiki Junior Academy primary school

This primary school is operating in Ibencho. It has approximately 120 students, ranging from kindergarten to grade 5 (4 to 9 years of age). Thanks to a donor, a groundfloor building was recently constructed, and equipped with basic furniture. We are hoping to finish up the classrooms and construct an extra level on it. The school has access to clean water. For the moment, the 2 most urgent needs are:

  • Materials for a library: tables, chairs, books, computers (estimated costs: $5,000)
  • Toilet facilities: while the raw building has been constructed, it still requires approximately $1,500 to finish everything up.


Support to orphans and vulnerable children

We provide care for orphaned, destitute and abandoned children and youth in the community by providing for their basic needs, an education. Many times these children are AIDS orphans, or have been abandoned. Some live in the community with relatives or live at local orphanages. Some of the teenagers stay at technical institutions where they are receiving their educational training. We help them to our best extent to give them them

You can provide support to a specific child. Please contact us to get some profiles of children who are in need of support. As a sponsor, we will provide you with updates on the child.

  • $30 USD/month:  Destitute child sponsorship (provides lunch, education)     
    By sponsoring a destitute student, you ensure the child gets one nutritious meal a day, and can attend school.
  • $50 USD/month:  Full orphan sponsorship (provides food, housing, education)
    Sponsoring at this level covers the cost of feeding the children with three nutritious meals a day and providing them with clothing, toiletries, bedding, and education.

Water community project:

This project has been bringing clean water to the people of Ibencho. Clean water is being gathered from a well, pumped up in a reservoir, which then via pipelines is distributing water to different parts of the area to people’s homes! Via the use of water meters, people pay a fee for the sustainability of the program. Currently 120 families (approximately 600 people) are already benefitting from this program.

Click here to see many more pictures of this program that is having a big impact!

Because of the success of this program, we hope to expand it by constructing an even larger water storage tank (25 feet diameter x 10 feet high). By constructing this higher up the mountain, water pipelines can distribute clean to even more villages around the mountain. This can then provide clean water to 1500 Families (~7,500 people) within five months. After one year, the number of beneficiaries will grow to 4,000 families (~20,000 people) 20 schools both primary and secondary, five markets, four health centers, five farming groups, and youth projects, The estimated cost for this expanded water community project would be $16,000 USD ($11,000 for the tank, and $5,000 for the pipelines).

Income-generating and vocational training program:

    • We hope to start a tailoring unit to train local people so they are able to make a livelihood (estimated cost for sewing machines and materials: $3,000).
    • We hope to start a bakery, to feed the children, but also to sell bread to the local community to generate income to sustain the programs (estimated cost: $2,000).
    • We hope to start a welding vocational training program (estimated cost of equipment and materials $3,000).

Your contribution makes a difference!

Contributions to the Rehema program via Sahaya International are tax-deductible in the USA. If you like to make a contribution, you can do so in different ways:

  • To pay by credit card or paypal, go to our donation page. When you make the donation, enter in the “in honor of” or notes section “Talent Innovation Foundation” so we know your donation is earmarked for this project.
  • You can mail a check, made payable to “Sahaya International” to us. Add in the notes field “Talent Innovation Foundation”.

Sahaya International
1504 Portola Street
Davis, CA 95616

Many thanks for your generous support!

Picture gallery of the programs and Ibencho area (click on individual pictures to see enlarged version)