Mount of Blessing Foundation

History of Mount of Blessing Foundation

Nancy Naiserian Manyololi is a certified teacher in Kitale, Kenya.  She is a single mother of 4 children of which one is disabled being deaf and mute.  Covid left many parents economically challenged.  Straining already challenged financial conditions for many homes.  This has resulted in many children not being able to attend school, leaving them vulnerable to sexual exploitation, hunger and abject poverty.  Even though Nancy was struggling desperately to provide for her own children’s needs after the abandonment of her husband, her heart reached out to support the many hurting children around her. She began asking the parents if she could teach their children.  They happily accepted.  The majority of the children Nancy teaches cannot afford school fees yet she willingly enrolls them.  She also noticed many of the children had no place to call home.  She adopted them into her family further stressing her already challenged living conditions.  Nancy is a woman of faith and prayed God will strengthen her to provide for the needs of them all.  She pressed on providing food, shelter, spiritual lessons and practical character building lessons using very limited resources for these children.  God has given Nancy the gift to teach “True Education”.  These methods of teaching are biblically and Spirit of Prophecy based.

“True Education means more than the pursual of a certain course of study. It means more than a preparation for the life that now is.  It has to do with the whole being, and the whole period of existence possible to man. Such an education provides more than mental discipline; it provides more than physical training.  It strengthens the character, so that truth and uprightness are not sacrificed to selfish desire for worldly ambition. It fortifies the mind against evil. Instead of some master passion becoming a power to destroy, every motive and desire are brought into conformity to the great principles of right.  As the perfection of His character is dwelt upon, the mind is renewed, and the soul is re-created in the image of God.” Education 18.1

Important update:

Mount of Blessing has been blessed to obtain 9 acres of land in the beautiful countryside of Kitale, Kenya. They are no longer in the ghetto! God has blessed the school with a beautiful piece of fertile land with a seasonal spring. Due to faithful and generous donors we’ve been able to establish dorms for girls and boys along with a housing unit for the Director/Teacher Nancy Naiserian and her family. The dorms were constructed as one building divided into three separate compartments with an enclosed veranda that serves as temporary classrooms and worship center. The school has been blessed with a well that produces very clean water. There has also been established bathrooms for girls and boys three each with a separate bathroom for staff.
The property also contains a kitchen facility. Solar lights have been installed to light the facility at night and a solar pump to bring water to the surface and distribute it to the various buildings on the land. Nancy and the children have planted two and a half acres with crops that are now providing them with vegetables to supplement their meals. We have been very blessed with tremendous progress but this is just the beginning.

Our most urgent needs

  • Purchase of land: we are in the process of purchasing a 9 acre plot of land. The price is $69,230. The down payment was $34,615.00, and the remaining balance still owed within 6 months is $35,615.00
  • Fence around the newly acquired land: $3,930
  • Construction of building (price to be determined)
  • Beds $2,000.00
  • Dining tables $326.00
  • Office tables $58.00
  • Chairs for teachers: $37.00/chair
  • Kindergarten tables and chairs; $116.00 per set
  • Pews for dining $37.00 piece

Operating costs

1.  Food a day per child $1.76, for 50 students $88.00
2.  Electricity $18.00
3.  Teachers pay per month $203.00
4.  Soap (bar soap and powder) $29.00
5  Medical expenses $87.00
6. Stationeries (pens, pencils, paper, notebooks)       $180.00
7.  Administrator Cost $108.00

Income-generating and vocational training programs:

  • We hope to start agricultural training to help sustain the schools food needs and support the school financially, while providing a food source to the community.
  • We hope to start a tailoring unit to train our students to produce feminine pads for themselves and the local community. Estimate cost $3,000.00.
  • We hope to start a bakery to feed the children but also to sell bread to the local community to generate income to sustain the program. Estimated cost $2,000.00
  • We hope to start a welding vocational training program. Estimated cost of material and equipment.  Estimated cost $3,000.00

Your contribution makes a difference!

Contributions to the Mount of Blessing Foundation via Sahaya International (a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization) are tax deductible to the USA.  If you would like to make a contribution you can do so in different ways:
– To pay by credit card, paypal, venmo:  click on the donate button below to go to the donation page.  If you want your donation to go to a specific program, please enter that in the notes field.
– You can mail a check made payable to “Sahaya International”. Add in the note field “Mount of Blessing Foundation”. Please provide also your e-mail address so we can email you a tax receipt. Mail your check to:
Sahaya International
1504 Portola Street
Davis, California 95616

Any questions? Contact us!

For any questions about the program, please contact our representative in the USA, Diana Booker at:

The new land we are in the process of purchasing (click on individual pictures to see an enlarged version)
The old facilities (click on individual pics to see an enlarged version)